Welcome to the website of the Provincial Grand Conclave of East Lancashire in the Order of the Secret Monitor, or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan in the British Isles and its Districts and Conclaves Overseas.

Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler
The Order of the Secret Monitor, or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan, is probably the most caring of all Masonic Orders
Anyone seeking to improve their Masonic knowledge will find great satisfaction in this beautiful degree in Freemasonry, which is the essence of our whole structure, namely Brotherly Love.
The ceremonies are based on the Biblical story of the remarkable Friendship which existed between David and Jonathan and can be found in the Book of Samuel Chapters 20, 22 & 23.
Christian Alexander Givvons
Here you can find a brief history of the Order, about the Regalia required, the Conclaves which make up the Provincial Grand Conclave of East Lancashire, the current Provincial Officers and how to contact us for more information.
But most important all the information you require to join our wonderful order.
Yours in the friendship of the Order
The Rulers of the Province
Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler

Right Worthy Brother
Christian Alexander Givvons
Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler

Very Worthy Brother
Stephen Paul Holcroft P.G.V.
Provincial Grand Recorder

Worthy Brother
Paul Arthur Joynson A.G.D.C.
News in Brief
A Date for your Diary
The Annual Provincial Convocation for 2025 will take place on Saturday 25th October 2025.
News Articles & Photographs
If you have an item you wish to feature on the Website then please email the Provincial Grand Recorder; eastlancsprovrecorder@gmail.com
Supera Moras
Centenary Celebrations
July 30th saw the Centenary Celebration of Supera Moras "The internet"Conclave No.49.
See our wonderful 360 image here
Credit for image; Wy.Bro. Vincent Pouchain
Scarlet Cord
Did you know that the OSM has a sister Order called the Scarlet Cord, to be eligible to join you just need to be a Prince of the Order. If you are interested in joining or want more details, please contact the Provincial Grand Recorder.
Message from our Provincial Grand Summus
Companions, Please click here to read a Christmas message from our Provincial Grand Summus
Charitable Donation
We are pleased to announce that the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler has made a donation to Greater Manchester Blood Bile and a second donation to Kidneys for life of the Province. To read the full story click here

Why a Blue Light?
Click Here to find out
For Forthcoming Meetings
Please click Here
To book in contact the secretary Details are found our conclaves page