Paul Joynson
4 Nov 2023
Both Match funded by the OSMBF
At the Provincial OSM annual meeting, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R.Wy.Bro. Christian A. Givvons was delighted to make two donations to charity, both for the sum of £1,000.
The first one was to the Greater Manchester Blood Bikes, who do a fantastic service transporting blood to different hospitals to assist those in need.
More information about this worthwhile charity can be found here. https://www.gmbb.org.uk
The second presentation also for the sum of £1,000 to a charity called ‘Kidneys for Life’ who support research into kidney disease, transplantation and dialysis and is a charity very close to The Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler for East Lancashire, V.Wy.Bro. Stephen Holcroft who was thankful of the charity for the help and assistance they provided to his Son Gareth who underwent a transplant recently.On speaking to Stephen he said; “Without the help and support from Kidneys for life my 36 year old Son Gareth would have spent the rest of his life having dialysis and would have had a none functioning immune system. After a successful kidney transplant, he can now lead a normal life and has a functioning immune system. So much so that on the 28th September 2023 he became a father himself.”
More information on this charity can be found here https://kidneysforlife.org
Both donations were made possible by the generosity of the brethren and also from the assistance of Darren Coleman-Heald and his team in the Mark Masons Hall Charities Office by match funding the donations.