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Allan Shields

26 Feb 2020

A New Induction at Freeman

Although it was not a good night for travelling, members and visitors travelled to the Freeman Conclave meeting at Stanley House, Audenshaw to witness the Induction of Craig Pattison of Prince Albert Lodge No.1218.
The conclave was opened by the Supreme Ruler, Gerald T Hodson following which the conclave Director of Ceremonies David Greenhalgh was kept busy when salutations where offered to Frank George Hood Smith, the head of the order in East Lancashire, Christian Alexander Givvons, who is his Deputy, Bro Howard S Nuttall, the previous head and now the head of the sister order – The Scarlet Cord. As well as Stephen Jackson who has in the past, also been the deputy head of the OSM.

The next business was to Induct Craig Pattison, which was done in a most sincere and professional manner by the Supreme Ruler who was ably assisted by the officers of the Conclave. Stephen Jackson conferred the secrets of the degree and addressed the candidate. Christopher Carter confidently explained the Weapons. The evening was finished off by an excellent meal and the Supreme Ruler rallying the members in readiness for the next meeting, which should be Craig`s Prince`s Degree. Overall, a good night was enjoyed by all and a pleasure to welcome a new member into the order.

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